How to apply

How to apply

1. Check that you are eligible

We welcome applications from any organisation in England and Wales operating for charitable purposes.

2. Apply in Writing

We are sorry, but we cannot accept emailed applications. Please apply in writing to:

The Grants Administrator


c/o Simcox & Co.

35B Market Street



CH47 2BG

There is no application form, but please read our guidance on how to present an application and make sure you include all the information we request. Failure to do so may mean we are unable to assess your application properly, which will affect your chances of success.

Read our Application Guidelines

3. Deadlines

The Trustees meet in April and October in each year. To enable the Trustees to be sufficiently informed the following deadlines apply for receipt of applications:

April Meeting - by 28 February

October Meeting - by 31 August

4. Further Queries

If you have read all the guidance, but are still unsure about anything, try our FAQs, and for further help, or to discuss your application, telephone or email the grants administrator.

5. Acknowledgement

Your application will normally be acknowledged within 3 weeks. Successful applicants will be notified 1 week of the Trustees meeting as applicable (see deadlines above). If you have not heard by those dates, you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful. We are sorry that due to the volume of applications we are unable to notify unsuccessful applicants individually.

6. Reporting requirements

We ask charities to whom we have awarded grants to submit a short update on their project by the application deadline the following year. 

Please note that although the requirement to update us is not a formal grant condition, failure to do so will be taken into account when we consider future applications.

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